PKP.PL - Your Source of Information about Polish Railways: Guide - Bayjonn Hotel Sopot Your Source of Information about Polish Railways is the official website of the Polish State Railways (PKP), which is an essential platform for everyone interested in railways in Poland. In this text, we will present key information about PKP.PL and why it is worth visiting.

The most important information about PKP.PL

Current Timetables:

PKP.PL provides accurate and current information about timetables of all trains in Poland. This is an ideal source of information for travelers who want to check departure and arrival times and the availability of seats on trains.

Buy Tickets Online

The website allows you to purchase train tickets online, which allows you to save time and avoid queues at stations. The ticket booking system is easy to use and adapted to the various needs of travelers.

Information about Offers and Promotions

PKP.PL provides information about current promotions and offers of PKP, thanks to which travelers can find the best train ticket prices.

News and information about railways in Poland

The website also contains current news and information related to the Polish railways. This is a great resource for people who want to stay up to date with what's happening in the rail industry.

Contact and Help for Travelers

PKP.PL provides contacts and information regarding assistance to travelers. This is a place where you can find answers to questions related to rail travel.

Why Visit PKP.PL?

Visiting PKP.PL has many benefits:

Convenient Trip Planning

The website helps travelers plan their rail trips easily and conveniently.

Stunning Choice of Combinations

Here you will find information about many different railway connections in Poland, allowing you to explore different regions of the country.

Economy Tickets

PKP.PL offers access to favorable ticket prices and promotions, which helps control travel costs.

Actual information

The website guarantees access to current information about railways in Poland, which allows you to stay up to date with news and changes in the sector.

A visit to PKP.PL is the first step to a successful rail trip in Poland. Whether you are a traveler, tourist or business traveler, this website provides the necessary information and tools to make it easier for you to use the services of Polish State Railways.